Overcoming Doubt When Starting a Garden

“The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”-St. Therese of Lisieux

Hey friends,

I read this quote the other day, and it made me think of the flowers, their uniqueness, and the gardens themselves. I have visited some gardens over the years, from ones with a few flowers growing and maybe a few flower pots/buckets with veggies growing to gardens that stretched for miles. In today’s world, with constant social media posts and online ads, I genuinely feel for anyone wanting to start a garden. Unlike years ago when all one would have to do was drive by a house with a garden or see a photo in a seed catalog for inspiration, now there is an overflow of images online. It is easy to feel intimidated or overwhelmed by not being good enough or even knowing how to start. How does one even begin if one wants to grow a garden without losing the lessons, joy, and loveliness a garden can bring? I hope this little encouragement can help with the overwhelm if you are considering growing a garden or know someone who may want to do it but is afraid to take that first step.

Keep it Simple and Start Small.

My sister and I started gardening when we were young little sprouts. Our first garden was not inspired by an online post. It was our imaginations going wild! It was ours, and that garden laid a foundation for our passion for gardening, which grew over the years. It was fun and full of memories made. That is something to keep in mind when starting your garden. Make it fun and full of memories.

Me and my sister’s first Garden (1998-1999)
Me and my sisters very first garden under a pine tree.
Second garden. Our grandfather put up a small fenced-in area for us. 
Working in the garden at my home place in 2014

To anyone doubting themself and wanting to start a garden, try avoiding zombie scrolling syndrome while looking at gardens online. There’s a very thin line between inspiration and intimidation. Keep the uniqueness and loveliness of your garden by making it your own. Start small and work your way up to your goal. Each accomplishment and failure in your garden is a lesson. As your garden grows, so will you. If gardening is something you want to try, ask yourself the following questions, and I would encourage you to write these questions and answers down in a journal or notepad to reference later in the season and years to come:

1. Why do I want to garden? Why does it matter to me?

2. How much time can I put into my garden?

3. What colors bring me joy?

3. What veggies and fruits do you eat often, and will they grow in my region?

4. How much money will I spend on my garden? (Supplies and Tool Expenses)

5. Am I willing to be patient, grow, and learn?

Back to the quote from the beginning, If every flower wanted to be a rose, it would lose its loveliness. And if every garden wanted to look like the other, they too would lose their uniqueness to call it your own and its loveliness. Your garden will be what you make it. As you tend to it, it will teach you about what works and what doesn’t and lessons about yourself that you may not learn anywhere else. I have always found that the time and effort put into a garden is well worth it because you learn something new every season.

Happy Gardening!

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Avatar for Joyce Kile Liller
Joyce Kile Liller

Beautiful article…
I know it brings back wonderful memories for you.

February 9, 2023
Avatar for Jason & Steph
Jason & Steph

It sure does, and more to be made! Thank you 🙂

February 9, 2023