How to Simply Propagate Strawberry Plants
One of my favorite fruits I enjoy looking forward to every year, right next to the raspberry and blackberry, is the delicious strawberry! Two years ago, we put in a strawberry bed and planted June-bearing strawberries. These are fantastic strawberries! Unfortunately, during my first year, I didn’t realize how much water they needed, and during the hottest parts of summer, therefore I lost a few of our plants. If you have ever grown or are aware of the June-bearing strawberries, you will know they are great for having runners. So what do you do when you have many runners and limited space? The best way we found was to save the runners, or as we call them, the “strawberry babies,” and relocate them to another area. In this article, I will show how to simply propagate those runners so they will not just dry off and die but can easily become a new strawberry plant for the next year. Let’s get started!
What You Will Need
- Small Container
- Soil ( Seedling Potting Mix)
- Scissors (to cut runner when it’s ready)
- Spade ( to relocate and transplant your strawberry plant)
Step 1: Locate the Baby Runner
The runner is very easy to locate. It looks like a long vine growing from the strawberry plant itself. The baby will look like leaves coming out of the end of the runner branching off into (V) like shape.
Step 2: Fill Container with Soil
Add some soil to your small container.
Step 3: Add Baby Plant
While the baby plant is still attached to the runner, place it in the pot of soil, press it down very gently, and surround it with soil to secure it in the pot. The baby plant will soon take root with time, water, and sun while still getting nutrients from the “mother” strawberry plant. Much like a baby and its umbilical cord.
Step 4: Cut the “Cord”
So when do you know when the plant is ready to be transplanted? You will see the runner dry up and the plant growing in its pot. When the cord is dry, now is the time to take your sheers and cut it for transplanting into its new location. See the video below.
We are looking forward to more strawberries in the future, and we hope you do too! What is your favorite thing to make with strawberries? Share with us below in the comments or email us. We would love to hear from you!
As always, keep going and keep growing! ♥
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