Helpful Tips for Spring Cleaning – Intro
Who is ready for Spring cleaning? I know I use to really dread the thought of having to do a thorough annual cleaning for our home. I would walk outside and smell the wonderful Spring air then come back inside only to smell all the aromas of bleach, Windex, scrubbing bubbles and you name it. This year I decided to try something different, a more natural way to clean our home. For the next few weeks, I’m going to share with you some different techniques to clean your home. This not only saves money but its also safer than being exposed to the chemical-laden cleaning products you may be using. I will be introducing the benefits of natural cleaning by using herbal products. Making your own herbal cleaning products is not time-consuming at all, its as easy as adding vinegar, water and a few drops of your favorite essential oil! Citrus oils are amazing for cleaning your kitchen and your bathroom!
In the next article, I will be discussing the types of oils to purchase, the benefits of this methodology and the upfront costs. There is an upfront cost to get started, but the majority of your commercial cleaners are quite more expensive by volume than what we will be making. Lets face it, unless you find a great deal or a coupon you are paying close to $4 for a can of Febreeze which has a list on the side of the can that pretty much tells you that you’re basically spraying chemicals on everything that could potentially cause you more harm than good (smells). Natural cleaning by using herbal formulas have anti-biotic, anti-viral, antiseptic and anti-fungal benefits.
I look forward to sharing all of these tips with you over the upcoming weeks as we look forward to welcoming Spring into our homes!